
Jacket flaps and “About” menus are an absolute fascination to many after reading an author’s words. A quick peek into the lives of someone who held our attention for either ten minutes or ten hours can leave you scratching your head or itching for more.

I’m often awestruck by folks who have a string of accomplishments that take longer to read than the amount of time it takes to catch a fish in your bathtub. I cringe at the thought of having to come up with my own bio. Nope, I’m not an award-winning screenwriter, folklorist, or congressional historian. I’ve not advanced science or medicine while brushing shoulders in the lab with MIT professors and pharmaceutical giants. And I’ve not opened any gastropubs, cupcakeries, or food hubs for local farmers.

My life is pretty plain Jane and average Joe, which suits me fairly well. I’m in charge of full bellies and clean underwear—tasks I take with an element of humor and pride. I’m doing my utmost to find success in small places, whether that be getting through a yoga class without making a mental grocery list, or reading at least the first chapter of a long anticipated library book before it’s due back at the branch because fifteen of them came in all at once from my hold list.

Every day that I haven’t killed the plants in my veggie patch is one to be celebrated. Each furry nose that reaches in the direction of my hand for a comforting touch brings a velvet present. The fact that my children occasionally still make eye contact with me when surrounded by their friends is a unique and reassuring gift in and of itself. I’ve managed to collect a few experiences that I’d not trade in for an Oscar, a Pulitzer or the Presidential Physical Fitness award—except I really worked hard for that last one all through middle school, so it might be debatable. I guess I’m still happy I’ve not won a Darwin, but I’ve got a few solid gold plastic trophies somewhere in a box that could suitably fit into a similar category.

My experiences are prolific, my hopes still abundant and my realizations wishfully profound. It is what we make it.

I live in an old log cabin on a lake, surrounded by animals who are far less fond of me than I am of them, but I’m fairly certain it’s food related as I will only share so much of my own meals.Haggis, dirty dog

Haggis, the hound, is part sheep, part Highland cow–here shown nearly all dirt.Smudge

Smudge, a cat who would prefer that we leave her the hell alone, but is sadly dependent upon me because she cannot work a can opener.

Khaleesi, another cat who always looks at me like I’ve gone and ate the last tin of tuna without her. Although I quite admire this one as she possesses the skills of an accountant capable of actually counting those tins.

For many years there were two sheep: big, fat woolly boys named Toot & Puddle, who seemed to have a deal on an outside source of food, as that would have explained their sudden launch into Pudgeville. Seriously, DSC09556 (800x444)these fellas could have gotten night work as bouncers for a bar. They were like short cows. But it could be the way they styled their hair.

And as is commonplace for anywhere that sprouts more trees than people, I have my fair share of winged and four-legged varietals that make their way from one end to t’other of the lake. If desperate for cash, I could probably host a National Geographic special here, but I figure, in truth, we’re the interlopers. Surely they got dibs on the place before we started pounding in our stakes.

I live to write, and, in fact, spend every spare minute not assigned to something else absorbed in the act. I have four finished novels–YA, middle grade, and memoir. The first is called Dear Opl (Sourcebooks August 2015), a story about a cheeky, overweight thirteen-year-old girl who struggles with surviving loss everywhere but on her body. The second is YA historical, The Freemason’s Daughter (HarperCollins 2017), the tale telling of a sixteen-year-old Scottish girl involved in a deadly smuggling operation during the early 18th century with the intent to help James Stuart reclaim the British throne. Next, The Antidote, where magic and medicine collide. And finally, Make it a DoubleFrom Wretched to Wondrous, Tales of One Woman’s Lifelong Discovery of Whisky (Pegasus 2022). The title says it all.

My other job is a dream come true. I work as the Director of Distillery Education for Reservoir Distillery in Richmond, VA. I research, I teach, I write, and I love it.

I cook with fervency and hope to share the bountiful ideas that come my way as a result of an overflowing garden and my unquenchable thirst for the healthiest, smartest and most enjoyable way to live.So long, Sunshine.

And speaking of unquenchable thirsts, I challenge anyone to stay awake and look interested as I wax lyrical on all things whisky-related. My twenty-five years of learning are put to good use every day. From tasting the finest spirits, to visiting the land of their births, my journey is ongoing and the research keeps me steeped in smoke, brine and peat. Three scents I would like to be buried with.Gabe and Chloe (639x633) (2)

Lastly, I have churned out two human beings who, after having been released from their illusory cages, are now capable of balancing their checkbooks and paying their taxes.

Life is good. Whisky’s better. Amen.


395 thoughts on “About

  1. Sir Sackier sent me your way, and I must say it was worth the trip! Thank you for the entertaining snippets and tidbits about spirits. I’ll admit I’m novice about whiskey, wine, cheese, and just about anything that has been around longer than about 5 years. :o)

    Jonathan has been so kind to help me with a summer teaching assignment the last two years, among many other helpful endeavors (notice, Jonathan, no “u” in that word), and I always enjoy time with him. Now I feel I’m getting to know the better half, indeed.

    Thank you, and looking forward to more…Mike H.

  2. Shelley!
    I sat next to your husband and you at the Hill n Holler dinner at Morven – and Linda just sent us your blog!
    I had long since forgotten your last name and had not gotten around to finding another way to find you!
    And here you are!
    Great picture of you…..
    touch base and would love to get together…….lisa

  3. I’m impressed and intrigued, you surely were born to write. We’ve actually been to Virginia, I got engaged in Irvington while staying at ‘The Hope & Glory Inn’ (gorgeous). We took the Shenandoah Skyline Drive and enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to following along. PS, Haggis is a great name.

    • Virginia is a slice of heaven with a side dish of Scotland. It cannot be more perfect in my mind. And having the hairy beast at my side is the frosting that makes it the sweetest life possible. Thank you for reading!

  4. That’s the best, most entertaining About page I’ve read in a long time – and a lass that likes whisky as well 😆

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your blog !

    • Whether you’re referring to a jaunty skip down Twitter Lane or my nonsensical blethering catching your eye (it’s okay, I’ve been acused of worse), I’m very grateful to find you at my doorstep. Wish I could offer you a cup of Joe. Guess it’ll have to be a virtual one. Regardless, thank you for reading! Cheers!

  5. I’m looking forward to your whisky and food posts…and anything else you aim to wax poetically about. I too have cats that, much to their chagrin, cannot work a can opener so we have that and food in common, And whisky. Cheers!

    • Same brain, different body? Apparently, we’re much alike. Long may our interests collide, and I hope that whatever subject I get carried away writing about each week will be worthy of your time and eyes. Thanks for reading, Leslie. 😉 Slainte!

  6. I can’t begin to thank you enough for stopping over and following my humble blog-o-thing! I wish you the very best, not only today but well into the future. Be inspired and please take care.

  7. What a gorgeous about! I loved ‘I’m often awestruck by folks who have a string of accomplishments that take longer to read than the amount of time it takes to catch a fish in your bathtub.’

    • Tis true. There is an abundance of first tier talent in our world. With such high achievers all around us, I’m astonished anyone is successful in getting their laundry done.
      Thank you for taking the time to read! Cheers. 😉

  8. I don’t pretend to understand the whys and hows of the Freshly Pressed system, (some of their picks are down right odd) but because of it, I discover lovely blogs like yours!

    A well written bio, but I must disagree with you on one point: three completed novels count as three mighty accomplishments from my perspective! As do two almost-grown human beings. Congrats on all counts! 🙂

  9. What lovely sentiments, Jill. You are so kind to say these things. Yes, I believe sometimes we find ourselves the recipient of an errant arrow when others were lined up in the cross hairs and at other times we were the intended target. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful you were thrown toward my little bull’s eye.

  10. Thats the awesomest (!) bio i have ever read…. and I have to tell u that in between everything u do, managing to bring out 3 books is a Herculean achievement, at least from my perspective…..i definitely look forward to be friends with you 🙂

    • Aw shucks, what a lovely thing to say. And at this point in my life, getting to READ 3 books is a Herculean achievement. Life gets in the way of living sometimes. 😉 I’ll set aside some time to make room for your reccomendations though, so, many thanks for those. And of course, I look forward to reading your words as well. Cheers!

    • It is a rare day when I hear those words, and usually (right after I gush with thanks) I realize the compliment was meant for the person directly behind me. I have looked around … it’s just me and the dog on this side of the computer. And although he does walk with an enviable swagger, I’m going to say many thanks for the lovely compliment, Sherry. 😉

  11. Reading your blog has inspired me to continue writing, so I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award!
    The rules for receiving this award are:
    1. Display the award logo on your blog.
    2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
    3. State 7 things about yourself.
    4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
    5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

  12. Love the layout of your blog! Makes me want to come back again 🙂 Can’t wait to peruse more 🙂 See ya later!

    • Fingers crossed you do return. Otherwise, I’m just some crazy old woman mumbling to herself. And when that happens, I’ll have to buy more cats. So not ready for that stage … 😉 Many thanks for reading!

  13. I love the website makeover. Looks fantastic. And I have to say it’s a pleasure to be the doodler on your blog.

  14. Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my posts. I love your bio. Very comprehensive and interesting. I will spend sometime today browsing thru your blog and would definitely return for more. Everything here looks awesome. Take care.

    • It’s easy to support worthy causes and people of great service. And your web site reminds us what a pleasure (and responsibility) it is to do so as well. Cheers to you and your efforts!

      • I am honored by your comment. Support from worthy people like you matters a lot to me, and I am lucky to have good virtual friends who encourage me all the time. Hence it is becoming a great pleasure to carry out the responsibility. We will stay tuned. I love your blog and I would like to browse thru more of your posts and my favorite would be the recipes section as well. Take care.

  15. Hi Shelley! I just wanted to let you know that I’m running a giveaway for a free perfume on my blog and I know how much you love perfumes so I thought you may want to check it out! Thanks! 🙂

    • Fabulous, Gil. I’ve never tempted myself with Vera Wang, but I’m guessing she would create something worthy and wonderful. Thanks for letting me know about your contest. Hope you’re enjoying the process of educating your nose. I think it’s a study I shall never tire from. Keep me posted. Cheers!

  16. Hello,

    Your writing is fantastic. You resemble a Shelly I knew around 1989. Did you ever work at the Balsams in NH as a vocalist?

    • Only when truly pressed. I preferred meandering about from tennis court to golf course, cocktail party to the dining room. Most of the time I was baffled it was considered a job. 😉

      It is so good to see an old friend’s name! I hope you’ve conquered the world of music. It certainly deserved to be lead by such a talent. Still playing? Conducting? Writing?

  17. Shelly! You look fantastic. I am head of the Jazz Studies program at Ball State University. Yes, doing all of those things. The reason I tried to find you …. I pulled out a video recording of 2 of your shows last night. After being subjected to so much bad singing, intonation on TV these past few years I was struck by the clarity and pitch that you sang with. You are so, so talented. If you have these recordings great, If not and want them I would be happy to send on a DVD. If you have no interest that’s fine too.
    I have been married for almost 20 years now and have a 12 year old girl who loves music.

    • If you’d like to make sure your 12 year old continues to love music – make sure you keep her away from those old recordings of my singing. Even my dog can do a better rendition of Fly Me to the Moon. Although he can be hard to work with, as he insists all of his charts be written in B# major. 😉

    • Wow, such lovely comments. Thank you! And I’m incredibly flattered, Tin. Inspiring is way beyond what I aim for. I usually keep my fingers crossed for, “not too sluggish.” I sometimes even aspire to, “I made it to the end.” I shall keep shooting for the moon. Cheers!

  18. Dear Shelley,
    I found your terrific blog via Kathy Erskine on FB. You are beyond talented. So happy to re-connect with you this way. hope that you remember me.
    Much love,
    Mary Sullivan

    • Mary! How lovely of you to stop by! Many thanks for the gracious compliment and I hope you’re doing well. I’m touched you’ve taken the time to read. I know how mad crazy busy your life is. Do keep in touch! Cheers, Mary. xx

  19. “Every day that I haven’t killed the plants in my veggie patch is one to be celebrated.” YES!

    “I’m doing my utmost to find success in small places, whether that be getting through a yoga class without making a mental grocery list, or reading at least the first chapter of a long anticipated library book before it’s due back at the branch because fifteen of them came in from my hold list all together.” YES and YES!

    “The fact that my children occasionally still make eye contact with me when surrounded by their friends is a unique and reassuring gift in and of itself.” AMEN!

    So glad you Live to Write. Your writing is DELIGHTFUL!

  20. Oh, yes, there are definitely times where wine wins out–and I have to make a practice of saying that, as I work at a winery. I suppose I just feel lucky to live the days where at the end of it I’m able to say, “That one was worth it.”
    Thanks for reading, John. Cheers to you. With whatever’s in your hand! 😉

  21. Can’t wait to spend some luxurious time reviewing and enjoying YOUR blogs. Thanks for checking out mine…I am VERY new to this. I work fulltime for a university, teach part-time and my husband (retired) and I started a grass-fed cattle business in Southwest LA in 2010. Little time, so have to use it wisely, but now that he built a writing cabin for me (A Room of My Own), I plan on getting back to writing more.

    • Oh! I am deeply envious of you. A writing cabin?? I’m dripping with covetousness. I only hope that you have a Mr. Ed door on the cabin so that the occasional cow can come peek in to say hello. That, for me, would be the ultimate heaven on earth. It definitely sounds like you have your hands full, but I plan to check in now and again to see what writing pearls you proffer to the public. I wish you quiet space and an endless supply of muses. Cheers to you!

  22. Shelley, enjoyed reading this! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the follow so I could find and follow YOU! Blessings on all your endeavors and I will most certainly be watching-reading 😉

  23. Pingback: SHINE ON | dreamzandclouds

    • I’m incredibly flattered, Candace, and at this very moment laughing my backside off because I’m sitting in the middle of a writing conference, listening to a “learned” speaker and thinking, I’d much rather spend the next hour perusing your website for fabulous writing and editing ideas than listen to what’s on offer currently. I shall be a regular student, indeed! 😉

  24. Thank you, I’m truly flattered with your kind words regarding my writing. As far as the pictures go, that’s just the magic of good makeup and blurry camera work, but it’s still a lovely thing to say. Cheers to you!

  25. Hi Shelly, you knw what? ‘This is what I call Life’ !! I can trade anything to get a life that’s so simple and so refreshing. You can cause serious complex issues to those with a series of Pulitzers and Oscars to their credit. Because ultimately this what everyone does after slogging throughout their lives getting an MIT degree and faking a high profile lifestyle — head to a serene valley and lay back with a glass of golden whiskey. 😉
    I find myself lucky to have known you and your blog. Thanks for following my blog. You got a fan! 🙂

    • Wow. I’m gobsmacked by the compliments! Thank you, Priya, although I’m starting to hyperventilate a little at the thought of how I’m going to keep all this up. Oy, the pressure! Just to be on the safe side, I’ll pour myself a dram, look out the windows and contemplate my navel before getting neck deep into next week’s batch of essays.
      Thank you for visiting so far from home. And please keep up the beautiful poetry! Cheers

    • At yet I’m continually reminded not to paint the entire country with one broad brush stroke. Or have you been trying on crowns to determine your hat size too? 😉
      Welcome to America. Long may you enjoy your life here. Cheers!

    • A fellow whisky drinker? Slainte! I have a feeling if I were ever to be exuhmed, it’s likely folks would think I was some incredibly weird pickling experiment gone wrong, probably like a self-made cryogenic application only with mustard seeds and vinegar. Ugh.
      Love your poetry btw. Love it!

  26. Hi Shelley, lovely to meet you! I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and for the follow, I really appreciate it. As a mum-of-three Brit with numerous pets who was married to an American, lived in California for 20 years or so and now back in England with my now English husband, I can very much relate to your story here! It is wonderful to see the pics of you all, a beautiful family I might add, and what a beautiful place where you live. I look forward to reading more of your wonderful posts and I certainly hope that you enjoy what you read at my ‘cyber’ summerhouse. Have a lovely day…Sherri 🙂

    • I too look forward to following your adventures and think that with a life as fully lived as the one you possess, your writing cannot help but be truly intriguing and worthy of watching. Here’s to many more worthy words! Cheers 😉

      • You are too kind, thank you so much. It is only recently that I’ve been able to write and share some of these ‘adventures’ as I honestly thought that nobody would be remotely interested!!! I am blessed to the extreme to know that lovely people like yourself take the time to read even a single snippet and I never take that for granted. Have a lovely weekend 🙂

        • There is so much we learn from one another as we mosey, skip or plow our way through this life. The most helpful realization for me and many others though, is to discover we are not alone. And if we don’t bump into our doppelgangers out there, then surely we find ourselves plopped into a pool of people so similar to ourselves, we cannot help but be part of a community of support and guidance – whether that’s through poetry, life lessons or humor. It is all a criss-crossing of hands and hearts. Cheers, Sherri!

  27. Hey! I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Check the nomination post here –

    Some sunshine….. 🙂

    P.S. – If you don’t do awards or have already received this one, kindly accept it as my appreciation for your wonderful blog. However, if you feel like, you can acknowledge the award & share some random facts about yourself. That will be fun!
    Congratulations & best wishes! 😀

  28. Hi Peak Perspective, I was new to blogging last year and I guess I have explored hundreds of different blogs over the year – people who live in Spain, writers, photographers, foodies, book reviewers and some I struggle to define! That’s a lot of reading. And you too have read my blog, in its first year, when I was finding my way. So as a big THANK YOU for your support, I’d like to nominate you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.
    Please click below to read more about the award:-
    Please accept this message as a gesture of gratitude, so if you don’t want to follow the award’s rules then that’s fine too!
    Many thanks, and Happy Blogging in 2014.

    • Congratulations yourself, Sandra. Coming around the corner on finishing the big first year is a huge achievement and I hope you’ll do some celebrating. Maybe a blog about more of Spain’s fantastic foods? You can bet I’ll be there to drool over all your delicious pictures and copy down a few suggestions. Look forward to reading more of your words and keep up the wonderful work! Cheers

  29. Thanks for stopping by and the follow. You write really well. Very much enjoyed your bio and look forward to visiting your posts. I am an animal lover, too.

    • You are, as always, incredibly kind with your touches of thougtfullness, Madhusmita. And after reading your blog post – which I’d encourage others to do – I think you’ve nailed it as far as helping folks to understand that participating in changing the world and making it better does not always have to include something life-sized with a billion dollar budget.
      I’d have to say, a simple act of kindness can having lasting effects that ripple throughout the world – just like tipping your hat in acknowledgment to a few of your fellow bloggers. So a huge thank you for that!
      xx 😉

      • I completely agree with you Shelley, its always the simple gestures which makes the most difference & has the ability to ripple throughout. I am glad you liked my thoughts. 🙂
        And also, your blog definitely makes me smile every time I drop by, so you definitely deserve this nomination 😀

  30. Definitely the best blog Bio I’ve seen – it has everything! Your YA novels sound great, are they available as e-books on Amazon?
    P/S Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and liking my latest flash fiction “Sock it to me” 😀

    • Aw shucks, Lyn, what a lovely thing to say. And it’s nearly time to do an overhaul on this bit as a few things have changed – including the fact that my first book will be published early next year. It most certainly will be available electronically as well as in all other formats. I promise to make an ‘All hail!’ announcement as soon as the date is revealed to me.
      In the meantime, I shall stop thinking about publishing dates by keeping myself entertained with some other lovely writing. “Sock it to me” was a good giggle. I look forward to more!

    • The gesture is hugely appreciated, indeed! But I must say the writing you do on your blog is wonderfully engaging and a pure delight to read. I look forward to many more of your words, and encourage others to do the same. Cheers and thank you. 😉

  31. Hi, Shelly. Loved reading ‘about’ you and wanted to thank you for visiting my blog recently. Sounds like you’re living a wonderful life. Your writing is fine. Blessings for all good things to come to you and yours.

    • A HUGE thanks, Linnet! I’m touched. But I must say, if we’re speaking of versatility, you are one of so few bloggers who display the deft and capable skills needed to capture readers on myriad subjects while managing to educate and entertain them simultaneously. That’s juggling a lot of balls. (But for anyone who has had the good fortune to visit your blog, they’d see that’s one of your specialties. 😀 )

  32. Thanks for following my blog, Shelley. I’ve just read some of yours and absolutely had to follow yours. I love your writing and your perspective on life. (Oh I’ve just realised that your blog is called peakperspective.) I’m going to look out your books as well. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

    • Thanks a million, Martin. What lovely compliments from a wonderfully accomplished writer. Indeed it’s a no-brainer to find a blog such as yours and immediately give in to the instinct to follow along. I look forward to the journeys through your words.
      Mine have just been captured by a publishing house and will be bound together come spring of 2015.
      Cheers! 🙂

    • Actually, tis not the blog, but one of my books – but I’m hoping the blog will be part of that group eventually. You’re right, Cinda, it is unusual and typically challenging to get one’s blog published in book form. We can all keep on trying though! 😉

  33. Shelley. How I love that name. Shelley, I thought we could be friends because you said you don’t have a huge list of accomplishments, but you lied. Three novels, raising teens, (They will eventually speak to you. Trust me. At some point they will need money.) plus an interesting thoughtful About page. Sigh. I’m off to drink some red wine. Can’t for the life of me choke down whisky.

    • I promise to totally forgive you for the deficit in the whisky department – because I would never force anyone to choke down the nectar of the gods that I too once touted as, “The most foul liquid known and unknown to mankind.” But I got over it. I just started on the wrong end of the spectrum. Still – it’s not for everyone. Thank goodness we’ve got both names and the need to blog in common. That should see us through the storm.
      Enjoy the wine. I shall raise a toast to you with my dram tonight. Cheers! 😉

    • shellleeeeeee ! you already have heard this, but your are NOT supposed to CHOKE whisky down!!! sometimes i’ll just swirl the glass and sniff and admire the “legs” and sniff some more and every once in a while lick up a drop or two. but, heck, red (red) wine always makes me hear UB40 extollin’ it’s virtues ! jah, mon!

  34. Hello Peak perspective! Thanks for liking a post of mine,which is what led me to your blog. I can’t imagine how you found my post, but glad you stopped by. I see by reading your about page that you are way cooler, and younger than I am, but I do not discriminate, for I was once young myself! Plus I can learn from you about whiskey. Right now I probably know more about beer, but being open to new things is what keeps one young! Looking forward to reading more from you.!

    • I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting blogs, so happily I bumped into yours.
      And as far as the spirit bit goes, whisky is simply … distilled beer! We’ve got more in common. 😉

  35. hey shelly, thanks for stopping by – an intimidating… sorry impressive (ok, a little imtimdating) feat of writing you have here – so here’s my glass of whiskey (with an ‘e’) to ya!

    can’t beat the water of life – be well

    • Well, Frank, let’s not forget, it’s a heck of a lot easier throwing words together onto a page in a slapdash fashion, pressing publish and hoping the average Joe might get a giggle out of it than it is to slave over the necessary and perfect order of a couple dozen words which create thought and movement and beauty as a poet sets out to accomplish.
      I cannot do what you do.
      I can barely read what you do.
      But I applaud what you do.
      Thank you for sharing it. 😉

  36. Your bio is a joy to read. Now I am going to take some time and check out the rest of your site. I know I will be made happy.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog, thus allowing me to discover yours. Win Win Win.

    • My pleasure, Angie. I’m always drawn to other writers who thrust their families into their blogs. Like-minded folks, right? And thank you for such an incredibly kind compliment. Most of the time people usually comment about how eye-cringing spelling errors jump from my writing, but I’m going to go with your take on this one. Lastly, belly up and bring your beer! After all, whisky is simply distilled beer–we’re one little step apart from drinking the same beverage. Cheers to you! 🙂

      • Cheers, Shelley! I promise to never point out a spelling error because I likely won’t notice, lol! I’m more of a family consulting gal who thrusts writing into my family’s life so I’m always grateful, and relieved, when talented and hard-working writers are willing to read my blog which shows every writing flaw imaginable. Thanks for following along and feel free to jump into the conversation here, especially if you want to stand nose-to-umm-chest with my 6 ft + teen sons. You got my back, I got yours 🙂

  37. i …. don’t … know, yet. i think i luv yew!
    the thing about your kids still occasionally make eye contact (wif yew) whilst uhmung their frenz stix out, 4 mee. wish that were the case for one of ours. sniff.

    • Are you saying you’re getting a house full of stink eye? That can be rough too. I’m not sure which is worse.
      They will all get their comeuppance one day. I am planning my revenge …

    • not to shoot marjma’14 down, but … thinkin’ one knows another via 2-dimensional descripts ‘n such is (sumwhut) PREE-sice-lee that: lookin’ at the SHADOW of a 4- or 5-dimensional being (which i believe “peak” to be). we know little more than the shadow. (i try, and continually fail, to focus on the “glue between things”. THAT and the occasional reminder that all we see of any- & everything is but the “tip of the iceberg”)

      • You’ve got an excellent point. No one knows what lurks behind the giant curtain of our monitors. My glue is extra glutenous and challenging to see beyond. But mystery is part of the fun, eh?

  38. Ok! I’m not big on hyperbole, but I’m going to say this is probably the best “About” page I’ve read (and I re-read my own sometimes)! Glad to make your online acquaintance and thanks for following ZimmerBitch 🙂

    • Umm … I don’t know, Su. I’m kinda liking your talent for hyperbole. 😛
      And I would follow anyone who can take one of the most beautiful places in the world (Scotland) and improve upon it with their artistic talent. You’ve got my vote, hands down.

  39. “I’m in charge of full bellies and clean underwear”….LOVE THIS. No pretense, you are what you are and it’s good enough for you. You get my vote (and my follow).

  40. Thanks for the follow and for checking out my blog in general…I really appreciate it! You’ve got some great stuff on your site, I like your writing style. Will be reading more 🙂

    • That’s funny. I think I have my fair share of “Smudge attitude” days, and I suppose it’s good to have contrast in one’s life, right?
      And I think you’ve got one of the greatest gravatars of all time. Awesome photo!

    • Thank you, Ann. I came across your blog from a terrific posting of Val Boyko’s. A lovely meditation exercise I intend to put into my routine, and then hopefully put into practice! Cheers to you.

  41. Wow, just wow. The comments string alone is inspiring. Obviously you impact a great deal of writers with your words. I’m delighted you would take a stroll through my blog. Thanks so much and I look forward to your work, insights, and follow!

    • Well, I suppose it’s easy to be drawn to things that are so uniquely different from what we know as comfortable and homey. Poetry is a massive challenge for me, but I am forever amazed at writers who have the skill and grace to puzzle words together into a tapestry of utter magic. Cheers to you, Thom!

  42. Hello … thanks for finding time to drop in to my beeseeker blog (what on earth possessed you to take a peek intrigues me ??) and will find time – when I have proper time to come back to your blog here, especially after the life is good … hook at the end of this one.

    • I’ve said this a few times to a few fellow bloggers, but the truth remains the same regardless of the ears/eyes. I’m drawn to wordsmiths and poets are a true curiosity to me, as I’ve no talent in that department. You people are shiny, sparkly found objects to me and I’m a bit of a magpie that way.
      Love your words!

      • Need to find out how to post that “blush” emoticon after such a reply – thank you very much for such an unexpected answer.
        Glad you enjoyed what you found.

        • A blush emoticon? Might it be this one? ^^’
          If so, your talent needs no humility, just more inspiration and I doubt WordPress has a collection of symbols that can express that in a face. 😀

      • Shelley – I loved your comment as I so agree. Being a wordsmith blogger (like YOU!) doesn’t work so well for me – as a novelist I take the time to ponder each word and find just the right one. Some people just have the knack to pour them out!

        • Cinda, it feels so good to run into others whose minds and talents run along the same track. I am amazed, and sit back gobsmacked at those who can drizzle out a flow of prose as easily as pouring syrup over flapjacks, whereas if I were to attempt the same thing, it would be a lumpy clod of pure drivel. I am a plodder of words, but the process is a hugely fulfilling exercise. However we get there, Cinda, we’ll get there. 🙄
          Cheers to you!

  43. Pingback: Readership Award | Doorway Between Worlds

    • A readership award? There’s an award for reading your fabulous blog? No way! Personally, I think most folks pay for the kind of content you provide. I feel lucky you offer it pro bono.

      Regardless, my huge thanks for the nod in my direction, but anyone visiting your site would realize in a heartbeat that they would wholly benefit from what you have to teach. Thank YOU!

  44. You are amaze-balls and you know it! I love your writing, and I need to make it back to your blog WAY more often. Do you realize I ALSO have an 18 yr. old daughter? And dogs? (No cat, but I do love cats.) Other things in common? Humor writing?

    • Alrighty, Susan, if you say you love whisky and big hairy-arsed men in kilts, I’d have to say you’re my online doppelganger. Okay, maybe we skip the hairy-arsed part, but the rest stands true. Yes?? 🙄

  45. Wow my dear, you can WRITE! I had to go over this and read it again. What is it about intelligent females who are not focused on themselves that is so appealing? And why do so many of you live in the Blue Ridge Mountains?

    • There are more of my people somewhere close by?? Oh, what I wouldn’t give to not feel like an outlander. Even the animals around here eye me up questioningly.
      But my many, heartfelt thanks, Cindy, for your incredibly kind compliments. Your comment is going on the fridge IN A FRAME. 😀

    • Allebsart, I love how you created this name. It’s so descriptive and evocative of who you are, and how you describe yourself.
      Thanks so much for the lovely nods my way. It’s always wonderfully fun to get to know others thru reading the answers to many of those award questions–and I particularly love the fact that you reside in Aberdeen! I’ve been once, and found it very much to my liking. In fact, all of Scotland is to my liking. I adore it.

      • Hello,
        I am so glad to hear that someone really went to Aberdeen! I cannot wait it anymore. I’ve been in London, but I know and could guess there’s a (even huge) difference between these two.
        Thank you for the appreciation and I hope you’ll enjoy answering my questions, I am looking forward for your link, if you decide to post one or both awards.
        Keep it rolling,

  46. I love your posts and I am awarding you the Lovely Blogger award. It’s an easy one and I hope you’ll take time to complete it. I’d really be interested in learning 7 new facts about you and I think the rest of the blogosphere would too! Info is on my Awards Page along with the award for you to copy and put on your own site.

    • You are too kind with your gracious comments, and I thank you from the tips of my toes! I love learning knew things about all the bloggers who give us answers to those in depth queries as to how they got to where they are, and all the secrets in between. Fascinating stuff, indeed. Cheers to you, my friend, for thinking of me! 🙂

  47. Hey Shelley. I’ve just come across your blog through Miranda Stone, and seeing as you have the Miranda Stone stamp of approval, I figured I’d stop by. Just from this about page, it’s obvious that you are a genuine writer with a voice, and I’m intrigued. Per custom, I’m supposed to say “Looking forward to any future posts” or “can’t wait to read more.” But, to be honest, I can’t make any promises; I’m pretty busy with school right now. I’ve added you to my reader, though.

    On a different not whenever a writer or artist identifies home as being in the southern Appalachians (especially the Blue Ridge Mountains), I’m always compelled to ask whether they’ve read Annie Dillard’s “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek.” It’s a book that’s close to my heart.


    • Jack, what a pleasure to meet you electronically. I really appreciate you offering up your time to look at my writing–and in a world saturated with words, I agree one needs to employ a critical eye when deciding where to budget your time. I’m glad you found it worthy, at least for today.
      And I too use Miranda as a measuring stick for quality. She is masterful and a superb talent.
      As for Annie Dillard, I’m a huge fan. I use her advice to “Assume you write for an audience consisting of terminal patients,” as guidance to not be ruled by the compulsion for perfection in my words, but rather strive for connection with my reader. A tall order, indeed.
      I look forward to the possibility of connecting over our writing and reading again.
      Cheers, Jack!

    • Incredibly kind of you to fill my head with compliments. Total daymaker, my friend, and I’m filled with gratitude. And now a slightly inflated sense of self. No worries. My therapist will whack it all out of me tout de suit.
      And anyone who has the level of sensitivity to name their hound Cheeky Monkey has my vote for a follow.

  48. I’m very glad you haven’t done any of the things you haven’t done, delighted by the things you have done and will do, all of which are very up my strasse, and your bio is more than enough to make me follow you back. Oh, and thanks for following Rogues & Vagabonds!

  49. I love the way you write and I must tell you I am not much of a “reader” for non science stuff because it bores me but your writing captivates me. So you may not think of yourself as a very accomplished person in what is known in common parlance as “accomplishment” but you have done a hell of an accomplishment in life and also are able to pass the sense of happiness and freedom that you feel to others! I congratulate you for your influence on so many people whose days are improved by reading your awesome blog! ❤

    • Okay, Angela, you win quote of the month. I’m copying your words out on the finest parchment I can find and will then frame it in gilded gold and finally I’ll super glue it to the fridge for all to see. Then I’m going to hold an open house just so that folks will pass by it when they come into the kitchen.
      My massive thank you for your incredibly gracious words.
      And by the way, I have brought one of your kind into the world. There is nothing ‘non science’ about this young lady. Most of what she says must be translated for me as we share an infinitesimally small common lexicon. Basically only coordinating conjunctions. I am okay with that, as I believe the world is desperate for a few more women in science. Thank you for being one of them.
      Cheers to you, Angela! 😀

  50. Again…the kids are too damned good-looking. Roll ’em around in the mud a little, wouldja? Give the rest of us a break. At this point in my aesthetic career, I’m just trying not to scare cows.

    • They purposefully have developed that waif-like, undernourished, Hollister clothing company model look in order to plague me and my massive efforts to feed them fine food. They are the bane of my culinary existence. I refuse to feed them fast food, and therefore they plaster the Internet with pictures of their neglected state. A knock from Social services are right around the corner.
      And I’m so with you on the crow comment. That first glance in the mirror in the morning is the equivalent to a jolt from a defibrillator. Yikes!

      • Oh, hell, waif is still in. Remember the horrifying Obsession ads from the 90s where we all tuned in just to see if Kate Moss was going to die before the end of the commercial this time? (shudder)

        I blame Audrey Hepburn.

        Don’t worry, the boy will fill out once he discovers peanut butter. They all do.

  51. Hi there, not even sure how I came across your blog! Through browsing other blogs and seeing your comment I think. I like it, I just love reading blogs with a sense of humour. I now follow you, and do feel invited to stop by. Maybe you’ll like mine enough to follow it back!

  52. Hi, hope you are enjoying life to fullest. I have never seen such an impressive, well written, custom flavoured About, ever. I went through a few of your posts, and you truly have a way with words, and a gifted penmanship. May your talents be duly recognised, appreciated, and shine brighter with every passing day. 🙂
    And thankyou for liking my blog, i started it to force myself to write, as i got caught up in routine and writing became a distant dream. Blogging, and resultant appreciation from wonderful people like yourself, give me a push to write. Thankyou, your appreciation is highly valued. 🙂
    Happy Blogging!

    • Good heavens, well if nothing else, your writing skills when complimenting others is truly superb. I wholly touched and sincerely thank you.
      I hope you continue to feel that urge to write, and receive encouragement from a plethora of supporters. But most writers would agree, the best way to improve your craft of writing, is to READ. Ugh, if there were only an extra hour or two in every day, right?
      Look forward to reading your words, my friend. Many thanks for sharing some of them here. Cheers!

      • Thankyou, you are too kind! 🙂
        And yes, i do read, and a LOT…i can’t go to bed before reading something, thanks to ebooks, it’s easier to accomplish that. Every good author, has to be an exceptional reader. Got any interesting book recommendations? 😀

        • I usually keep a running tab along the sidebar under Goodreads and update it every few weeks, but if you’re getting this via email …
          The Martian by Andy Weir was a terrific sci-fi
          The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt was exceptional literary fiction
          and I’m currently halfway through To Rise Again at a Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris. Really witty writing.
          Hope something clicks!

    • And there lies the rub. Just what stuff should we read? We are wholly swamped in this overly saturated world of writers and opinion givers. There’s so much NOISE. So, I think the need for curators is growing ever more important–that is, if we want to rise above that sea of mediocrity.
      It’s a tough call, Betunada. Sometimes striving each day to reach the level of average is about all I can muster.

      • your recommendation on ” … martian …” is a good one. i’ve always been a sci-fi afficionado. and as you know (?) — am tele/trans/extraDyeMentscheNULLized by Pynchon. i have a list of stuff to read when i become a longer-than-short-term paraplegic/quadri- …
        average? i aspire to MEDIOCRITY in my hockey playing!

    • Maker’s Mark 46–that’s the one they “only make in winter,” right? Can’t say I’ve had the privilege to try it yet, as I find bourbon to be a bit too sweet for me, but next time I come across a bottle, I’ll raise a glass in toast to you.
      Regardless of your choice of drink, my many thanks for sharing your words. Cheers!

        • Wonder why they’re adding extra wood? I’d be curious to know what stage of char they using with the barrels. And I’m all for caramel and vanilla in the spirit, but only if it comes from the wood itself and isn’t an additive (which we Americans tend to do in order to shortcut the aging process). Now you’ve pitched a mystery to me and I likely won’t rest until I find out. I love a good mystery (accompanied by a good dram).

            • You’re basically right, Frank, those notes do come from the major components of the wood–the lignin and sugars within the hemicellulose. It breaks down into fascinating science. In fact, some folks believe that the wood produces more scent (and mouthfeel) then flavor–and contributes heavily to convincing your tongue it’s “tasting” vanilla. One of the big benefits from using charred wood is that it filters out some of the sulfur notes. A very good thing.
              I could spend hours talking about it, but in the end, it comes down to knowing what makes you happy. And I will take a look at the link. Many thanks for sharing it.

              • Wow … you know your passion! … thus wonderful!!! Thanks for sharing because I know very little about it .. but hey – I know I like. Although I don’t drink bourbon often, at least I have good taste!

                BTW … I have visited Marker’s distillery – which offers a wonderful tour!

  53. Hola Shelley! Thanks for liking my about page. I’m new to this blogging thing and it really means a lot to be noticed and acknowledged. Your blog is very well put together. Hope mine will look as great one of these days. Take good care, La Panzona 🙂

  54. Pingback: I Got It! I Got to Have a Gott! | Gardening Nirvana

    • Wonderful to meet you, Valerie, and a huge thank you for your warm-hearted comment. I’m so glad you found a few things that might appeal. And it’s a total no-brainer in my book–following the adventures of your posse. I adore folks who open their homes to rescue animals. I’d kinda like to have a magic wand to wave over your head and make carbon copies of you to sprinkle throughout the world.
      Here’s to some wonderful holiday memories with you and your clan, Valerie. Cheers!
      PS. Gardening Nirvana is hosted by probably one of my most favorite people in the entire blogosphere. Go Alys!

      • I absolutely adore Alys too! She even participated this year when we collected donations for the APL in our area (where we rescued Nikita and Bella from) as we wanted to give back to the APL for all that they do for the animals. In 2015, it will be our fifth year participating in their annual Pledge For Pets, so if you and others you know would like to make a donation – – keep watching for our posts about it next year!

        That is so beautiful that you would like to make a carbon copy of me to sprinkle around the world. I am so touched by your words. I do good things because I can, and because I want to, not to get anything back. It is all about the giving, not the receiving.

        I even baked homemade cookies for our Police Department and delivered 16 boxes of cookies (one for each officer) last Saturday. I was told that NO ONE has ever done this for them, ever. I know that they will never forget it. I included a beautiful handmade note too in each box to let them know that their efforts do not go unnoticed.

        I so look forward to becoming close friends with you, as we have lots of adventures to tackle in the new year! Hugs!

  55. Hi, Shelley, thanks for visiting my blog. Glad to have found yours. Your excellent, personable, thoughtful, fun and funny writing is drawing me in! I look forward to reading your past and new posts.

  56. You have a wonderful way with words and telling stories! Really takes you into another realm. I look forward to reading more! Thanks for stopping by my blog, type ‘allthecrazy’ in the prompt should you wish to explore the other side of the tracks….

    • Okay, anyone who says something so warm and gracious about my hound (not to mention my writing) automatically gets put on the ‘I will give you a kidney should you need it’ list. Thank you, Paulette. And you get bumped up to the top of said list because of the extraordinary work you do for rescuing animals. You are a truly a human being worth supporting and talking about.
      Here’s to a successful and prosperous 2015 for you and your book!

      • And, I my friend, am on the list of those going to purchase your first book. You’ve got a talent, no question about it. Anyone that can make me lol (FOR REAL) is a really good writer. It’s been a lotta fun chatting and connecting with you. Now to go and hug my three fur-balls, Max, Bella, & Lady Luck the elder. ❤

  57. A random escapade into blog territory, on a snowy but pleasant Canadian day, found me here. Your resume may come into question by academics, but in my world (aka the real world) they are pretty impressive. I have released two offspring into the world and, after much floundering, appeared to have found their wings. Scotch? Does something for coffee which is unique, and probably condemned by all Scotsman. Animals? We have a 75lb bundle of rescued attitude who has entrenched himself in our hearts. Life is good!

    • Oh, your life does sound good. And I promise not to be all shouty about the scotch in the coffee bit. Who knows, it may become an elixir I happily depend upon one day.
      Thank you for the lovely compliment, and maybe I ought to tip my hat toward fate for allowing you to find your way here. Regardless, I’m all about happy accidents. It’s lovely to meet you (electronically speaking).

  58. Pingback: Rogue Words from A to Z: The Merits of Morale | Doorway Between Worlds

  59. Pingback: Rogue Words from A to Z: The Past Is So Passé | Doorway Between Worlds

  60. Pingback: Rogue Words from A to Z: Quest for the Quintessential Quaff | Doorway Between Worlds

  61. It’s great to see that your roots and reach has spread a great distance from our little home town tree. As a fellow mother of teens, you give me hope and inspiration. Pleasure to read and follow your writings Shelly.
    Oh, and If you need another photo for your flashback page, I ran across some good ones from our barbershop quartet 4-H days 🙂

    • Boy, do I love seeing such wonderful names from the past, Jodi! It’s been donkey’s years.
      And thanks for the lovely comment. I’m so glad you find it worthy enough to spend a few minutes on.
      Photos? I can only imagine the goofy images of our little crew. You bet I’d love to see them.
      So great to see your words, Jodi. Cheers!

  62. For the 320th time, that is the best blog bio ever! And looks to match! 🙂 Not sure why it took me so long to get here from Dilip’s site, but I am so glad I finally wandered over. Look forward to reading more. Have a great day Shelley!.

    • Wow, Madhu! What a total daymaker of a comment. Yours is going up on the fridge today. I’m going to print it out and put gold stickers all over it.
      And good heavens, you have an incredible gift for design and art. I could while away many, many hours on your blog. Truly beautiful work.

  63. I really liked your bio and I think its cool that you don’t have a doctorate degree:) you remind a bit of my mom she is a stay at home mom to and she has homeschooled me and all my many siblings :). cant wait to read more of your blog 🙂

    • I love homeschooled families. I tried a million times to convince both my kids that they should let me homeschool them, but apparently they took a vote behind my back and the teaching position was suddenly “unavailable.”
      Your mom sounds like a rock star, Amelia. Lucky girl. 😛

  64. Pingback: Blogger Recognition Award | The Storyteller

  65. i fye nullee edittid, sumwhut, my “about.” in no small measure due to the all-encompassingness (yes, take that compliment/complement almost entirely-sincerely) of yours. ah, kids. weave failed 50%, suckseeddid 50%. the jury’s out. at least we talk a bit over at skawtschenwry, eh? do try the woodford reserve double oakt. but i’m gonna segue to the 10th mountain, again, unless i’m sidetract by woody creek. (aspen’s answe(a)r to vail. itsa competition, but i could think uvva beddr werd, in theez partz. aspen – vail. hmmm. well, i’ve ackyeeyoozd yew of a lot of inherent “n+1” ness. beyond the pale, the sunburnt, the quotidian. yeah, the ubur kwoatiddean. aspen/vail, well, eh? i won’t weigh in. both are fun to watch, but not participate. we’re proud to be at the edge of the stinking desert.
    (have i closed all the parens? … )

    • Never a dull moment on your side of the world, Jay. I think the edge of the stinking desert has proven to be a wealth of wonder for you and your clan. I can’t envision a place more fitting for you and your wild imagination. May it live on and on, in all its offbeat, eclectic glory.

  66. Reading your bio and it said – ‘…whiskey drinker, pilot…’.
    And all I could think about was – “I hope not at the same time.”

    Definitely a very funny blog – makes me think twice about the posts I tag under humor. I am going to carefully follow your posts, so that I can learn and incorporate something in my writing as well. *gently slides away into the shadows*

    • Yeah, the FAA is a bit of a stickler with their whole ‘8 hours bottle to throttle’ advice. No one wants to see flashing blue lights behind you at 10,000 AGL.
      And thanks for the lovely compliment, although I’d disagree with your desire to slither off. Your blog is terrifically entertaining.

    • Ah yes, there’s an itty bitty notice at the bottom of the post stating that comments are closed for a little while. It’s hard to keep up, but I’m so happy you wrote to let me know you saw the post and enjoyed it, P.
      And if there’s a St. Chocolate, I would mark that special service down on my calendar and be sure to never miss the yearly celebration. (although St. Valentine does ring a small bell in my head …)
      Cheers to you!

  67. closed (4 naaaow!) 2 kaymints: you’ll be glad i wuzzz gonna be moar mini-animal than yoozYooUhl there: having been thru’ the catholicky-thing mice elf. (al)most memorable? was when i was ‘punished’ after catechism by having to sit front row during an open-casket funeral service.
    (partly ’cause of that, i’ve decided to put the “fun” back in funeral — come to my wake!)

    • Ooh, ouch, you poor boy. So many memories those nuns have seared into our brains, eh?
      And yes, if one day in the distant future I receive an invite to your Colorado ‘calling it curtains’ cèilidh, I’ll be there, and raise a dram in your honor.

      • the dram’ll be white Russians, as the wake is intended to be Big Lebowski themed. I don’t know why, but (1) the local bowling alley should be relatively inexpen$ive to rent (2) it IS ‘local’ (3) I don’t really like bowling nor white Russians but (4) the idea of my ashes on the counter in a coffee can is appealing, sum how …

  68. sew: how mu¢h woodditt co$t to have You and Rob re-do my ‘about’ page?

    slipping over, to, not-sew schmardt-foanz: the last Terminator moovy, was, eh, one or two stars out of 6, but when Skynet/WhateverNet/We-re-doomed-NET –> it is apparent in that film that the majority of people with their devices MOL continually attached, will be the first to get the, (ahem!), message. you probably know that; and THAT’s a big part of the plot of many of my futuristic man(&woman)kind-is-doomed stories …

      • you’re too kind. my so-cauldron creativity is a definite example of what Frankly Zaptha called “nullis Preti” –> no commercial potential. eyebrow-furrowing perplexivity, perhaps ~
        still, more and more, I suspect the GULF between those addictidd to their “devices” and those not-yet-entwined may some day separate some sort of wheat from the …
        (I hope it’s fun, at least for me, when THAT happens …)

        • Oh, so this is where everyone is hanging out now! I’ve just been having a catch up on your blog, Shelley, during a break from writing – great stuff as always and really, really loved all the Monty Python references!
          Hello Betunada too – I have appreciated your comments on my blog, but I have also missed chatting to you both here. Also been missing your own blog, I really must get out more and look to see what other people are doing. Anyhow, a quick stretch and back to work, I guess. Keep well you two.

          • shelley, is, as she has said: off awna walkabout. gone trekking. you & i, dear kent, are apparently the “everyone hanging out …”.
            a cloud of schmoak is whirling out into the clear-but-frigid air from a car parked in the lot below my window. this being colorawdough, maybe it’s only incense …

          • Quick stretch and back to work, indeed! It’s always lovely to see your words, Laura. Although I have truly missed all the terrific chats with blog friends, I am thoroughly buried in edits for the new book. Deadlines are always looming. I hope you’re well. I’m thinking about you often. Cheers!

  69. What a fantastic blog you have, Shelley! I’m quite envious. And what a fascinating life you lead too. I’m going to look forward to reading your thoughts…Mark

  70. Hi Shelley! Hope you’re well! This is just a quick question… did you turn off comments on your blog posts, or has my brain completely turned off? (Maybe I need to find a way to dunk my smartphone into the empty cavity in my skull… 😛 ) I can’t find the comment box anywhere…

  71. i’d missed it before, HOW DIRTY that dawg looks in yore pixure.
    iffit’s summer, we chain her up and go at it with a hose and bucket of hot soapy water.
    winter? eh … Betty gets IN the shower with. i don’t.

  72. yeah, yerrite: “i’m cheating”. deadlines, dead-lyings, phlat-lyings, lying and trying to live and not … lie … down … so much. I’ve been (w)retired a month+ now and predictably, things’re slower ‘n ever. one, two posts? (workin’ on #2). planned on hockey twice a week and still averaging once. last game was against the Glenwood Springs Middle School team! (that’s a (as i’m sure you know) town 90 miles away without summer-time ice!). another game was, well, maybe you’ll read about it. funny (to me, at least) as yoozYooUhl. google the local university MEN’s team goalie, “bad girl Amanda Nold.” she does mixed-martial arts “on the side”. what am I doing “on the side”? pulling weeds ~

  73. the, uh, ¿cheater? (re: comments over @ ‘home’) comments any-weigh. THAT IS SUCH (so far) GOOD NEWS RE: THE ASTRONAUTICAL NEXT GENERAYSHUN ! and (uv coarse) I continyoo to be challenged and uplifted and Xtra-dye-mentsch-unull-eyes’d by your writing/werdKraftwerking ability. and i’ll go over to Rob’s place and tell him he set the standard high, again.
    unrelaytid: a $400 bottle of tequila “found” in a corner of our kitschen. we are mystiphy’d. one of our kids may have left it (no kidding) — years ago.

  74. Hi Shelley,

    I followed you here from Hugh’s party (not in a creepy way – I was just following the Smarties). I love your about page and I look forward to prowling your blog!


  75. wail/well, azzit the invite sez: hail! poignant, but not overly so, your latest comment on the season, the year, the not-exactly-defined but, yes, elephants in the room. tis’ a borderlying blizzard out-sighed rite now and think i’ll go (not exactly) frolic in it pretending to run …

  76. “Life is good. Whisky’s better. Amen.” … may I borrow that phrase for when I’m next at the pub?
    [I would, of course, attribute it correctly!]
    I’m new to WordPress and look forward to reading more of your excellent blog [you have very good taste].

    As they say in my native land: –

    Here’s tae us
    Wha’s like us
    Damn few,
    And they’re a deid
    Mair’s the pity !

    Cheers [!]

    • You betcha you can borrow that phrase. And spread it widely across your the bar stools you grace.
      And congratulations on finding a wee place to spread your literary charm (posh accent or no!). Blogging–or just writing in general–is truly therapy for the mind … whilst whisky is therapy for the soul. Cheers to both. 😉

  77. ooh: phurst kawmintayshun in phebroo-airy. lost sox indeed. one of my ¿main? retirement plans was/were the trips to salvation army (or eq.). but(t) the glacier of verging-on-gravitational collapse immensity keeps sliding into my life.

  78. car battereez N-deed. ’bout the only car thang I/we can “do”. but(t) more important: you ever hear of the distilled spirits “raicilla” and SOTOL? if it were legal to mail from here to deah, i’d send ya’ sum sotol anejo ~

  79. (“the cheater” returnz): Re: Rabbit-hole and the state or truthfulness/validity of “science”, et.al. –> really, part of the manyUniverses (multiverse and quantum entanglement are apparently where cosmology is enmeshed nowadaze) truths could be “the rock(s) really wants to be there.” reminds me, about 40+ years ago I was meditating on a mountainside (somewhat “aided” by x-tra-curricular substance) and the thought popped into my head (bear with me, now, wish I could be succinct(er)) –> in high school science class (and perhaps earlier and later schooling) we ridiculed the ancient Greeks, et.al. for beliefs such as flat earth, earth is the center, spontaneous generation, — and that ALL matter (“stuff”) is composed of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. We moderns are so smart, and know better — atoms are now the answer. But, wait ~ … Atoms all have a solid state — and when heated, become liquid, hotter still, each element becomes gas. The “fire” part could be energy-mass equivalence or transfer (e = mC(*2) ). Earth, water, air, fire. The ancient Greeks may have been spot on.

    • this chicken has decided to BE the road. and, could be, some day (bedder Bee ‘soon’) I may amount to something. change = enmeshment into the hindu 3-some: destruction, creation, and … what was that 3rd aspect? sum tang lak continuation, or maintenance, sustaining …

  80. read your funny deft/daft april 28 (2018!) piece on wooskey, and I am going to get THAT N.Z. (alas: “m-t”) bottle, and … the actual bottle’s information differs some from the container (cylindrical cardboardy’ thing): MILFORD, aged 16 years, single-malt, willowbank distillery — container sez 43% ABV whereas bottle sez 50%) — best I’ve ever had, and those others I shared it with.

      • Dogs form a special place in our hearts that cannot be removed. It’s exactly how I feel about Maggie………. and Barney…………. and Kizzy and all the other dogs in my life. Maya is 8 months old and coming along. A big girl at 30+ kilos but we knew she’d be big and she is quite lovely, if more than a little wilful!! Take care Shelley. I look forward to your posts.

  81. went to a “reading” of a book from an author i sort of know — about a year’s worth of hikes with his dog. look up, if you’ve time/&/or curiousity –“John Fahey” (not the musician) but present-day author (lives in Gnu Meckseeko). previous to tonight’s presentation, he told me i was “designated heckler”. (far better title that “oh, he’s nobody” when Gary Snyder and i entered a room for Dr. S to present a poetry reading some years back)

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